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Prototype systems available for demonstration
for well positioned partner candidates.
Several years ago we moved to a tree filled suburban St. Louis neighborhood. The shade is great and the trees are beautiful, but come fall the yard hands down its decree of punishment: 70+ yard bags of hard labor. Filling those boogers was a labor intensive, annoying, time consuming chore. I hated raking and filling those bags—so much bending down, picking up, and repetitive tamping trying to get the most leaves into every bag. Mowing wasn’t much better. My grass-catcher turned leaf-catcher completely filled after about 20 yards and I would have to dump it 4 to 5 times to fill a yard bag—spilling and making a mess in the process.
I realized that I was spending almost all of my fall weekends dealing with our leafy bounty: missing kids’ soccer games, missing football on TV, and missing other recreational activities during nice weather because that was prime time to rake and bag.
I knew there had to be a better way: I wanted my mower to fill directly into a yard bag. Several prototypes later, the Direct-Bag-It Power Leaf Bagger came to be and I am bagging leaves in a fraction of the time!
Now I am working hard to bring the same leaf bagging satisfaction to you. The pre-production model Direct-Bag-It Power Leaf Bagger is developed and market testing has been performed.
Top-Down Engineering LLC (TDE), the inventor and developer of the Direct-Bag-It Power Leaf Bagger, is seeking a manufacturing partner to take this time and effort saving system to the masses. If you, or someone you know, is a US manufacturer seeking to add unique capability please get in touch clicking the email link below. This system is absolutely the most efficient method ever invented for bagging leaves (or bagging grass, for that matter), however TDE needs help finding a motivated and capable manufacturing partner to take the next steps. Patent protection runs through 2033 and TDE proposes a very manufacturer friendly, progress royalty arrangement. That is to say, a nil to very low percentage initially, only increasing as sales increase.
bagging leavess
Have Questions? E-mail Top-Down Engineering:
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leaf baggingleaf bagging
Q: What is the status of Direct-Bag-It?
A: A pre-production prototype has been developed, however TDE is seeking a manufacturing partner to help bring the system to market.
Q: How do I know if Direct-Bag-It would be right for my yard?
A: Do you like saving time and effort? If you rake and bag your leaves multiple times in the fall and push mow your lawn during spring and summer, you should definitely consider Direct-Bag-It. If the thought of buying a lawn vacuum to manage your leaf load has ever crossed your mind, you should absolutely consider Direct-Bag-It.
Q: Does Direct-Bag-It also cut grass?
A: YES! Direct-Bag-It is an excellent lawn mower for grass as well. I use the pre-production prototype year-round, with excellent results.
Q: Is Direct-Bag-It an attachment?
A: No. To ensure high quality performance, it will be sold as a COMPLETE SYSTEM, not as an attachment kit.
Q: Can I see around Direct-Bag-It?
A: Yes. This was the crux of latest design configuration. If I was not satisfied with the line-of-sight, I would not use it. You will still be able to see the line you are tracking, but may need to look to the side on occasion. The trade-off is worth it for the time and effort saved versus raking, trust me.
Q: Is Direct-Bag-It Safe?
A: Yes, the Direct-Bag-It Power Bagger is safe and will be tested against applicable safety standards.