Top-Down Engineering LLC
Top-Down Engineering provides design capabilities to execute your project effectively and efficiently. Let TDE make sure your engineering design projects are headed in the right direction.
Top-Down Engineering has over ten years of engineering design experience, providing 3D mechanical design and systems architecting expertise in the small business and Fortune 500 business world. Now that same expertise is available to the individual entrepreneur and companies on a for-hire basis.
A top-down approach views the system as a whole throughout the development process to ensure the right system is delivered in as efficient a manner as possible. The over-arching user need drives the functional requirements — which subsequently drives the function and form of the underlying subsystems all the way down to base elements.
When requirements flow down from the top, only necessary sub-systems are designed, and their interactions are considered throughout the process. Top-Down Engineering believes in this approach, balanced with early and often prototyping of bottom-level elements, to help customers solve the right problem and solve the problem right.
Please contact TDE for additional information.